(204) 500-1142

Author: Brian Mathers

Real Estate Home Inspection in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Introduction to Snow Guards

Snow guards are protruding metal or plastic devices (or lengths of bars) that are installed in intermittent locations on a roof that are intended to prevent accumulated snow and ice from sliding in great sheets off the roof. They encourage the gradual melt and breakdown of the snow mass into smaller sections. They vary in…
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Wood-Burning Stoves

A wood-burning stove (also known as a wood stove) is a heating appliance made from iron or steel that is capable of burning wood fuel. Unlike standard fireplaces, wood stoves are typically contained entirely within the living space, rather than inset in the wall. Wood stoves come in many different sizes, each suited for a…
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Ice Dams

An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow from draining. As water backs up behind the dam, it can leak through the roof and cause damage to walls, ceilings, insulation and other areas.   How do ice dams form?   Ice dams are…
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Residential Foundation Insulation

Homes being constructed today are more energy-efficient than those built even just a few years ago, primarily due to significant improvements in building products and techniques, as well as development of high-performance heating and cooling systems and other appliances. We believe that the benefits of foundation insulation are often overlooked. Heat loss from an uninsulated,…
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Condensation in Double-Paned Windows

Condensation is the accumulation of liquid water on relatively cold surfaces. Almost all air contains water vapor, the gas phase of water composed of tiny water droplets. The molecules in warm air are far apart from one another and allow the containment of a relatively large quantity of water vapor. As air cools, its molecules…
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Anti Scald Valves

Anti-scald valves, also known as tempering valves and mixing valves, mix cold water in with outgoing hot water so that the hot water that leaves a fixture is not hot enough to scald a person. Facts and Figures Scalds account for 20% of all burns. More than 2,000 children are scalded each year in North…
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Backdrafting is the reverse flow of gas in the flues of fuel-fired appliances that results in the intrusion of combustion byproducts into the living space. Many fuel-fired water heaters and boilers use household air and lack an induced draft, which makes them especially vulnerable to backdrafting when indoor air pressure becomes unusually low. Inspectors should…
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Asbestos: Facts and Tips for Homeowners

What Is Asbestos? Asbestos is a mineral fiber that can be positively identified only with a special type of microscope. There are several types of asbestos fibers. In the past, asbestos was added to a variety of products to strengthen them and to provide heat insulation and fire resistance. How Can Asbestos Affect Human Health?…
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Aluminum Wiring

Between approximately 1965 and 1973, single-strand (solid) aluminum wiring was sometimes substituted for copper branch-circuit wiring in residential electrical systems due to the sudden escalating price of copper. After a decade of use by homeowners and electricians, inherent weaknesses were discovered in the metal that lead to its disuse as a branch wiring material. Aluminum…
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Adjustable Steel Columns

Adjustable steel columns, also known as screw jacks and beam jacks, are hollow steel posts designed to provide structural support. An attached threaded adjustment mechanism is used to adjust the height of the post. A few facts about adjustable steel columns: They are usually found in basements. In some parts of North America, adjustable steel columns are…
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