Why Get a Home Inspection If You’re Buying “As Is”?

Some sellers want to sell their home “as is” so they don’t have to invest money fixing it up or take on any liability for potential defects. There is nothing wrong with buying a home “as is,” particularly if you can buy it at a lesser price, but if you are considering buying an “as is” home, you should hire a competent home inspector to perform an inspection.
You don’t know what “as is” is. You may spot some defects or items in obvious need of repair. But you won’t obtain the same detailed information you will receive if you hire a home inspector. Home inspectors are trained to look for things you are not likely to notice. Armed with a home inspector’s detailed report, you will have a better idea of what “as is” means regarding that home, in turn you’ll be in a better position to know whether you want to buy it. You may also be able to use information from the home inspection to negotiate a lower price.
Remember: The cost of a home inspection is a pittance compared to the price of the home. Be an informed consumer. #investments #homeinspections